Main Board : Arduino Compatible UNO R3
Software : Arduino IDE (
Tutorial :
Item List :
Arduino Compatible UNO R3 *1
Prototype Shield *1
830 Holes Large Breadboard *1
Mini Breadboard *1
LCD 1602 Display *1
SG90 Servo Motor *1
5v Stepper Motor *1
5v Stepper Motor Driver *1
IR Remote *1
Male to Male Breadboard Wire *1pack
Female to Male Jumper Wire *10pcs
Potentiometer / Rotation Sensor *1
Button with cap *4
Buzzer *2
Tilt Switch *2
IC 74HC595N *1
Light Dependent Sensor *3
IR Sensor *1
LM35 Temperature Sensor *1
IR Receiver *1
Resistor 220R *10
Resistor 1K *10
Resistor 10K *10
7 Segment LED Display *1
Dot Matrix *1
4 Ways 7 Segment Display *1
LED 5mm Red *10
LED 5mm Green *10
LED 5mm Yellow *10
40ways Male Pin Header *1
9v Battery Snap with DC Plug *1
9V Battery *1
USB Cable *1
Small Component Box *1
Container Box *1
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